pi-top blog

Raspberry Pi

Demo Series: Dual Displays

Published on: 10/16/20

The Raspberry Pi 4, at the heart of every pi-top [4], has two micro HDMI outputs available to be used simultaneously to drive two screens in glorious 4K resolution.

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Raspberry Pi

Demo Series: Docking

Published on: 10/9/20

It's no secret that we love the Raspberry Pi, but one of the things we wanted to be able to do was easily move from one project to another without having to unplug everything and ...

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Raspberry Pi

Demo Series: Raspberry Pi HATs

Published on: 10/2/20

One of the easiest ways to expand the capabilities of your pi-top [4] is by slotting in a Raspberry Pi HAT (Hardware Attached on Top). HATs are expansion boards that connect to ...

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Raspberry Pi

pi-top [4] Unboxing and Review with ETA PRIME

Published on: 6/22/20

We are very excited to have a new review of the pi-top [4] up on Youtube. This comes courtesy of ETA PRIME, who makes great videos reviewing things like Raspberry Pi products, ...

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Raspberry Pi

Post Kickstarter: Here's what we've been doing!

Published on: 8/29/19

pi-top [4] Kickstarter campaign in numbers: $197k raised 521 backers 32 countries Thank you for helping us raise $197K - here’s more on the development of pi-top [4].

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Raspberry Pi

How to make simple robots with pi-top, Lego and Crumble

Published on: 4/9/19

In this article, educator and technology enthusiast Ivan Roulson shares how he built a small, lightweight, and low-cost robot.

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Raspberry Pi

Celebrate Raspberry Pi's birthday

Published on: 2/20/19

Raspberry Pi turns seven next week and, as they did last year, they are coordinating local Jams all over the world so you can join the party!

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Raspberry Pi

Haven't we met before? (Re)introducing pi-top [3]

Published on: 2/4/19

As you might have heard, we’ve recently launched a new product, the pi-top [4]. And so now we have a family as opposed to just one or two products, we thought it a good time to ...

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Raspberry Pi

Case study: Pecos High School

Published on: 6/5/18

One STEAM Lesson, 100% More Confidence – “pi-tops Are a Game-Changer” Jerald Jolito is an instructional technologist, science and robotics teacher at Pecos High School in Texas. ...

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Raspberry Pi

The new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is here, happy Pi Day!

Published on: 3/14/18

Happy Pi Day! We’ve kicked off the day the best way possible: with the launch of the newest Raspberry Pi family member, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. Come join our celebrations ...

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