pi-top blog

Are we about to witness the global collapse of school exam rankings?

Published on: 10/24/18

Singapore is leading the way in abolishing some school exam rankings, stating that 'learning is not competition'. So how do we work out what we value if we no longer value exam ...

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Win a pi-top and a copy of The Maker Mentality!

Published on: 10/24/18

Episode two of our podcast, We Make The Future, is out now and we're running a competition to celebrate!

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What we’ve been reading, week 42

Published on: 10/19/18

How quickly this week seems to have gone! Didn't have time to read the news? Fear not - here's our weekly best of the web reading list, full of education and maker news for you to ...

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Press play on our new podcast!

Published on: 10/18/18

We're delighted to launch We Make The Future, our new collection of audio interviews that will explore the future of education, making, and technology.

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Code 4 Africa - My experience teaching Computer Science in Zimbabwe

Published on: 10/17/18

Student Michael Tennant recently returned to Zimbabwe, a country he last saw when he was two years old, to help teach computer science. Here, in his own words, is what he got up ...

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What we've been reading, week 41

Published on: 10/13/18

Happy weekend! Time to kick back and catch up on all the education and maker news you might have missed this week. So without further ado, here's our weekly best of the web ...

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To infinity and beyond! Exploring space with Raspberry Pi

Published on: 10/12/18

A few decades ago, students conducting space-based science projects sounded like something from the realms of science fiction. But with the falling cost, not to mention size, of ...

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Have makers solved the Banksy shredding mystery?

Published on: 10/9/18

As a piece of publicity, you’ve got to admire it. Sell a painting for £1m and as the auctioneer's gavel hits the mahogany woodwork of Sotheby’s, half shred it before the world’s ...

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Celebrating women in STEM: Ada Lovelace Day

Published on: 10/8/18

Back in 2009, technologist Suw Charman-Anderson realised that women were underrepresented on stage at tech events. This problem, she thought, wasn't caused by a lack of women in ...

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What we've been reading, week 40

Published on: 10/5/18

October's here, and so's our weekly best of the web reading list. Here are the education stories, subjects and news you need to know about.

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