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Benefits of Learning Coding for Kids and Students

By Alexandra D on Feb 17, 2022 12:49:01 PM

Topics: STEAM code Learning by making STEM ed tech coding Computer Science python programming

According to the organization Hour of Code, 90% of parents want their children to study computer science. Unfortunately, only 47% of high-schools offer computer science courses. Students have shown an increased interest in programming but have been unable to access the needed educational resources. 

Screenshot 2022-02-17 at 16.38.13The primary means of learning computer science stems from school programs, but the lack of resources, funding, and representation has led to a severe hindrance in the studies nationwide. 

The question is: why do we need coding and computer science?

Coding Encourages Creativity

Think of it this way: when your students are given a completely new set of tools to work with, they will have to find unique solutions for their coding problems. The C++ programming language, for example, only has around 60 words. When using this language, you have to find a way to design a desirable outcome with a minimal means of expression. 

There is no one perfect solution to a coding problem. This means that students can define their work in a way that best suits their needs and abilities. The trial-and-error aspect of coding allows for them to safely take risks and attempt new, creative methods without pressure. 

In order to encourage this creative mindset as a teacher or parent, offer your students fun projects that will ensure their engagement. When a student discovers just how much they can create through coding, they will be eager to learn more. 

Click here for some fun creative coding projects you can try with your students!

Coding Builds Self-Confidence

When a student is faced with a challenge that requires self-reliance, they will have the opportunity to boost their independence and resilience. 

Coding projects offer students a chance to experiment with patterns and syntax to determine the most optimal outcome. There is no greater boost of self-confidence than when you are able to reflect on your work and proudly say “I did that!”

Coding Teaches Teamwork

Students will sometimes need to be put together in order to work on a large coding project. In these cases, they learn to combine their strengths, trust their teammates, and share their different viewpoints to find the best possible solution. 

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Even in situations where students are working alone, there are still chances to collaborate. If your student is working on a line of code and needs help, they will understand the value of reaching out to others for insight. Likewise, they can also reach out and help their peers! 

Coding Provides Perspective

Do you ever look at a website and wonder how long it took to make? Or do you ever ask yourself how difficult it is to create a computer program? Well, when you learn code, these concepts will become much easier to understand. 

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When you become more comfortable with programming, you will be more aware of how websites work and how applications are built. Insight like this can be humbling for students who don’t realize the layers of effort behind projects. They will feel a sense of accomplishment when they can finally create impactful work through their own coding. 

Every student deserves the chance to explore the world of coding, and we want to help. You can access our virtual resources (such as our projects, courses, and products) here. We provide students with everything they need to build and code, including project kits, guides, and active support. 

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