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PiWars 2018 - Meet the team!

By Andrea Buforn on Nov 30, 2017 6:20:48 AM

Topics: Projects Technology News pi-topTEAM Announcements piwars2018 robots

Here at pi-top, we love getting involved with the Raspberry Pi community and taking part in events so when the opportunity to enter PiWars 2018 came around, we couldn’t resist submitting a team. With a range of skills, talents and opinions, the pi-top team spent several weeks… only to decide on a name for our robot, eventually settling on Robo-Top.

We’ll be updating you on our build progress over the next few months, but first we thought it was important that you got a chance to meet the team!

Name: CatCat
Role at pi-top: Education Outreach Champion
Role on the PiWars team: Chief Kitten Wrangler
Fun Fact: I sleep walk and talk so can often be found wandering around the house at night, confused and half dressed
Inspirational Quote: The most dangerous phrase in the language is, ‘We’ve always done it this way.’ Grace Hopper
Favourite pizza topping: Good ol’ margherita (now spelt correctly thanks to Mic)
Most likely to...: disappear early to sneak off home to bed
What you’re most excited about for PiWars: Meeting (and beating) all the other teams

MicName: Mic
Role at pi-top:  Software Developer
Role on the PiWars team: Chief Artillery Officer
Fun Fact: When shaking a drink carton I have the compulsive need to break out into a rendition of Shake Your Booty by KC & The Sunshine Band
Inspirational quote: If it ain't broke you ain't trying hard enough
Favourite Pizza topping: Burrata
Most likely to...: Start an argument about pizza toppings
What you're most excited about for PiWars: Practice for the imminent robo-pocalypse

20431392_10155582276409265_159485426494440223_nName: Alan (also goes by Steve)
Role at pi-top: Generic dude who engineers from time to time
Role on the PiWars team: Chief Director of Shuffling
Fun Fact: I like to move it move it, I like to move it!
Inspirational Quote: If you’re going to be thinking, you may as well think big
Favourite pizza topping: Any pizza that doesn’t have cheese on it
Most likely to...: Build a robot that will start the robo-pocalypse
What you’re most excited about for PiWars: The cool conversations that will probably go down

AndreaName: Andrea
Role at pi-top: Digital Marketing and Social Media Manager
Role on the PiWars team: Chief Prettifier and Head of Glitter
Fun Fact: I follow more pet’s accounts on Instagram than people. A girl needs her dose of #dailyfluff!
Inspirational Quote: “Tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!” from one of the best TV shows, The Simpsons.
Favourite pizza topping: Pepperoni, pepperoni and pepperoni. Oh, did I mention pepperoni?
Most likely to...: Dance the night away
What you’re most excited about for PiWars: Glitter, glitter and more glitter


Name: Matt
Role at pi-top: Senior DevOps Engineer
Role on the PiWars team: Make things work team
Fun Fact: I once ran over a dolphin
Inspirational Quote: I reserve the right to have an opinion, no matter how wrong I probably am.
Favourite pizza topping: Cheese, any kind, lots of it.
Most likely to...: be found down the pub
What you’re most excited about for PiWars: Yeah, I’ll have a steak and ale pie, thanks
IMG_20160325_132440 (1)Name:  Val
Role at pi-top: Intern
Role on the PiWars team: Lead engineer
Fun Fact: I like to read medical textbooks for fun
Inspirational Quote: Shoot for the stars. That way, even if you miss them, you will smack into the moon.
Favourite pizza topping: Pineapple
Most likely to...: eat all the cake in the office (or team up with the robots in case of a robo-pocalypse)
What you’re most excited about for PiWars: Showing everyone what a real engineer looks like
Chris_HantonName: Chris
Role at pi-top: Mechanical Design Engineer
Role on the PiWars team: CAD monkey
Fun Fact: My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30am this morning- luckily for him I was still up playing my bagpipes!
Inspirational Quote: You don’t want to take your product out while it’s still floppy - discussing Injection Moulding
Favourite pizza topping: Macaroni Cheese
Most likely to...: Complain about missing the rugby
What you’re most excited about for PiWars: Use this as a stepping stone to enter Robot Wars next year!
AngusName: I am Angus.
Role at pi-top: I am Angus.
Role on the PiWars team: I am Angus.
Fun Fact: Angus Angus
Inspirational Quote: Angus Angus Angus
Favourite pizza topping: Angus
Most likely to...: I am Angus.
What you’re most excited about for PiWars: We are Angus

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