pi-top blog

Indiegogo update 9 for pi-topCEED

By Andrea Buforn on Feb 11, 2016 9:27:24 AM

Topics: News

Hi All!

It has been a busy few weeks here at Pi-Top HQ, and we are excited to share these shots of the pi-topCEED and the new more space efficient pi-topCEED Hub. We have some final tweaks to make to the hinge mechanism and case before we pull the trigger and start CNCing the mould when Ryan goes back to Shenzhen on the 18th. We hope you are excited by the improved design!

All is going smoothly for April delivery and we are really happy about the way this product is going forward.

We have also chosen 5 complimentary Acrylic Slice colours which we will be showing off early next week and soon after we will hold the colour vote for the $130,000 stretch goal!

We will be checking back with you soon!


The new design provides easy access to the ports on the Raspberry Pi.


You will be able to choose between green and grey closer to the shipping date.


The power button has been integrated into the case.


The case is 30% thinner than our original!


The modular rail is now made of steel! The big change here is that all the addon boards will have small magnets so they are super easy to swap in and swap out. We have tested this extensively and it's a fantastic way to add whatever functionality you wish to your pi-topCEED.

Unfortunately Indiegogo doesn't let us put gifs in these updates but you can go here to see our newest addon board (pi-topProto) magnetically connecting to the rail and easily sliding into the modular connector.


The hub size has been reduced by 17mm, which adds plenty of space for any addon boards to go into the rail.

Huge thank you to all our backers :) We are working hard to make pi-topCEED as great as it can be!

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